

I say NO MORE because I'm a survivor; I am NOT a victim of domestic violence. I was abused, tossed around like a rag doll and I've had knives pulled on me by my ex-husband. I was with him for two years before I finally realized that THAT would not be the reason my life ended, and THAT would not be the environment my now one year-old daughter would be raised in. I had my ex-husband arrested (multiple times) and turned a new corner in my life. I was belittled so often that I forgot my own self worth and I forgot how important I was to this earth, just like everyone else. I refused to let domestic violence be my final story and I'm here to say that I said no more and that I'll continue to say no more until there is no more. Everyone, man and woman, are better than this disease and we as a people can overcome it until there is no more, because we all survived it and we'll continue to beat it just like it tried to beat us. Andie

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