

Another person in my county has been taken from this world by the hands of an abusive spouse. The person she loved and that she thought her has taken her life from her. Two more children have now lost a mother because of domestic violence that just kept escalating. It's seems like every day I see someone else being abused. When will enough be enough? I wish we could make every single person on earth understand this. If they love you they will not abuse you. If they love you they do not want to see you in pain and for sure don't want to cause it. I know they say that they love you and may even do a decent job of showing it but you never know when that is going to escalate to the point of loosing your life. They may not even do that on purpose. All it takes is one more time, one more fight and they could either loose their cool to the point of killing you or they could accidentally do it. I know it hurts to walk out of a relationship. I know that it breaks you into a million pieces, I know that you feel like you absolutely can't do it. You can't leave them. I know that during those times of love it's so great and there is no better feeling in the world than that affection and it almost makes it feel like all the problems in the world disappear, but is it worth it? Is that small amount of affection worth losing your life? It isn't. You are worth so much more, and you can do it. You can walk away from that. I promise you can do it. It's so hard and you will feel so awful during the process and probably for a little at first. But once you get away you will feel so strong and empowered. You can be strong and you can do it. Because you are worth so much more than the abuse. And it doesn't just effect you I promise you it effects and hurts everyone around you. Please, don't let anyone abuse you even if they say they love you. Because you never know when that is going to end with you losing your life. #NoMore Dusty

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