

I am a survivor of domestic abuse: physical, emotional, financial and sexual. Inflicted on me by my ex-partner who I had 3 beautiful babies with, but as a survivor the journey is not always over. I am trying to teach my son to control his anger because he has many tendencies of his fathers. I am still over coming debt accumulated over the 5 years I was with him. I knew every sign of abuse and ignored it once he started threatening to take my children away from me. I finally left him for a third time and he ran off with my son for 13 months before I was able to get temporary custody and bring him back home. Their father now threatens my fionce who I have a wonderful loving and caring partnership with. I don't know that it will ever end but we all take one day at a time and I pray to God every chance I have, thanking him for everything he has done in my life. I know I would not be as strong of a person if this relationship had never happened. Kerisha

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