Tim Gunn: It’s Time To Say NO MORE


Tim Gunn’s blog, about NO MORE, featured on the Huffington Post:
TimGunnArticleConsider this: domestic violence and sexual assault do not just impact survivors; these crimes affect all of us. With one in four women experiencing domestic violence in their lives and one in six men being sexually abused before the age of 18, these individuals are not stranger to us. They are our co-workers, our friends, or family.

But too often, domestic violence and sexual assault are hidden and the pain of the individual is unknown, largely owing to feelings of embarrassment, shame, and even self-loathing.

On Thursday, March 7, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) into law, thereby formalizing help for millions of people who are survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. But we must do more than help those dealing with these problems; we must end them. Towards that goal, there is a profound… Read More


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