16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls

Like many 23-year-olds, she left on a once-in-a-lifetime trip through Europe with only a backpack, her phone, and an Instagram account to share her adventure. She had planned her trip carefully, but also knew that any question she might have or new arrangement she might make could easily be answered by the myriad of available travel apps. It was all going as planned until the unthinkable happened — she was sexually assaulted in a foreign country whose language she did not speak. Terrified and alone, the information, and crowd-sourced and expert recommendations she had at her fingertips, could not help her find the aid and advice she really needed. While once true, that is no longer the case thanks to the NO MORE Global Directory

This first-of-its-kind, comprehensive international directory of domestic violence and sexual assault resources in every UN-recognized country and territory in the world is intended to serve as a global hub of information and resources for victims and their loved ones.

It’s a lifeboat in a flood of pain and emotion, and the epitome of what NO MORE was meant to be when it was founded nearly a decade ago.

November 25th marked the first day of UN Women’s annual global campaign “16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women and Girls.” Running through December 10th, “16 Days..” brings organizations like NO MORE together from around the world to highlight and raise awareness of the continued challenges women and girls face globally — challenges including limits on education, free movement and economic freedom to domestic and sexual violence, restricted reproductive rights, and harmful practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM). 

From the start, NO MORE has had a dual purpose — to be a voice for survivors and their families, and to educate and engage those of us who have not been directly impacted by violence and abuse to help prevent it going forward.

Our many tools, like the Global Directory, do both, letting victims, survivors and their family and friends know there are people by their side, ready to help. 

And through its broad adoption and availability by partners like The World Bank, UN Women, Trip Advisor, Avon, and more, the Global Directory serves as a symbol that though there is more to do, there is a common thread connecting everyone working to end domestic and sexual violence.

At NO MORE, we continue to focus our efforts on ending domestic and sexual violence. Alongside our 1400 allies, supporters and survivors, we raise awareness and create useful tools that provide education for friends, family members, colleagues and first responders to help improve the response to domestic and sexual violence. We want to be sure that if and when someone they know discloses domestic or sexual violence to them, they feel confident responding and empowered to find the services needed.

With your support, we can continue to help survivors of domestic or sexual violence around the world access specialist information that is regularly updated and checked for accuracy.  This includes 24-hour helplines, shelters and emergency contacts.

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Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence