A Look Back on Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2019

Each April, we join our partner organizations, individuals, and supporters across the country to honor Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)—a month of action and education dedicated to ending sexual assault.

SAAM may only be one month out of the year, but we can honor and support sexual assault survivors year-round by educating ourselves, listening to survivors’ stories, and sharing helpful resources.

Check out some of the ways we commemorated SAAM 2019, and share these tools with your friends.


This month was all about celebrating and normalizing consent. Don’t miss out on all the consent resources made available during SAAM!

Take a look at How to Get Consent— and How to Ask For It, a blog we created in partnership with the National Sexual Violence Resrouce Center about asking for consent—even when it seems tricky.

Also, check out the comprehensive Guide to Sexual Consent that we created with Healthline, as well as the new Understanding Consent page on our site.

This month, we heard the story of Donna Jenson, an author and survivor of incest who is using her experiences to empower others. Donna leads writing workshops for survivors interested in finding their voices, and her book, Healing My Life from Incest to Joyis a memoir of the choices she made and experiences she had that helped her heal from her childhood trauma. Read her powerful essay on the blog

During SAAM, we partnered with Let’s Get Consensual, a campaign that educated everyone at Coachella about consent—using Airdrop technology to spread real-life lessons in the moments where it matters most.

From April 22-26, NO MORE was proud to also honor Teen Survivors Week. Spearheaded by our friends at PAVE, Teen Survivors Week is focused on advocating for teen survivors of sexual violence by promoting messages of healing, consent, and bystander intervention.

Have you checked out the #DontStandBy campaign? Safety and respect should be a routine part of going out for the night. During SAAM, we teamed up with Uber to spotlight the important role we all play in looking out for each other and preventing sexual assault. Check out the campaign and share the toolkit with your friends! 

We are grateful to every individual who honored Sexual Assault Awareness Month by engaging their friends and communities in their efforts to end sexual violence. Let’s keep this momentum going for all of 2019. Together, we can end sexual assault.

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Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence