Be the kind of guy who takes a stand and says NO MORE


From Neil Irvin, Executive Director, Men Can Stop Rape:

Usually we assume that the burden of preventing rape, domestic violence, and dating violence largely falls on the shoulders of women and girls. Men are often at a loss as to how they can play a positive part in stopping sexual violence.

As men, we can use our strength to create cultures free from violence. We can find positive, proactive solutions to engaging other men as allies, inspiring them to feel motivated and capable to end the violence.

At Men Can Stop Rape, we work with boys and young men to create their own positive definitions of masculinity, manhood, and strength that help develop healthy relationships with others. We work in middle schools, high schools and college campuses across the country, educating young men that they, by their very own behavior and attitudes, can model a way to prevent domestic violence and sexual assault. Our Men Of Strength (MOST) Clubs provide a way for young men to talk about how they feel and how they can do their part to end violence and build safe communities.

We are so proud to be one of the organizations supporting NO MORE and ensuring that men take the lead spreading the message that we can end domestic violence and sexual assault.


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