
Faith Simone

Faith Simone
I was raped a couple days before my fourteenth birthday, and i already had depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. I was also sexually assaulted at 5 years old. My rape made it worse, and as a result i ended up cutting myself very harshly and very often as a way to cope. I had many panic attacks and night terrors, and best of all, my parents didn’t believe me at first, because things ‘didn’t add up’ or i might be ‘looking for attention’. I have been in multiple abusive relationships and dealing with everything was hard. I attempted to take my life the next year, but survived. I still have panic attacks, and night terrors, but have friends that had similar things happen to them too. We all need to stick together and stand up for those who can’t and be the voice for those who are afraid to speak. Faith Simone

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