

I say NO MORE because my I knew my life had value and I was worthy of being loved and showing love in return. I met abuser out around town. I knew his family from church. He also was in the military. We got engaged when he came home and he changed. I was not allowed to look at waiters, or any other male figure. I was alienated from my family. I was only allowed to wear polo shirts because I could keep myself hidden. He began to be verbally abusive and it was escalating. He bought me a dog because he said he was incapable of showing me love. I finally stood up and asked him to make a decision. He chose a divorce and it was the best thing! I met my now husband three months after our divorce. We have been married for 13 years and have two amazing kids. I still struggle with the anxiety but my husband has seen me through it. I wanted to do pageants to use it as a platform to share my story. Our hearts our capable of real love and no matter what, you deserve it! Lindy

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