

I say no more because domestic violence is like a virus. It spreads and infects those around it. I witnessed domestic violence growing up and saw those around me stay quiet. So, when I got my first black eye in 2006 after 3 years with my abuser I stayed quiet and I went back. When I finally left in 2017 after nearly losing my life, those around me stayed quiet while I had to leave everything I worked my entire life for to survive. I had to fight for my children in court with hardly any money as he held all my belongings, my car, my house and assets hostage for almost two years. I say no more because I want to be part of the cure. I say no more because no one should fear for their life physically, financially, or psychologically. I say no more because marriage or a relationship commitment does not give a person the right to sex, control over finances, or freedom to physically assault their partner. I say no more because we have to be better for our children and our grandchildren or the virus will continue to spread silently affecting our families, our communities, and our world. Lyndsey

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