

I would have died if i stayed with my ex. What started as a guy inquiring about me; turned stalker ended in an abusive relationship of two years off and on. It started with him attempting to rip me out of my car before i left one day; followed by financial abuse using me to eventually move away from all my friends and family to a place i knew nothing of. There he left me to take care of myself in the middle of an extreme kidney stone attack (no meds). After a few failed attempts to leave him due to timing , finally i left with the aide of a neighbors bicycle bump to fix a tire on a car, and sheer will. I came home to my dear parents with bruises from his grabbing my wrists to take car keys and was held against my will the night before. My parents told him it was over because i was so afraid of him. 5 months later he filed divorce papers. I have been free for over twelve years; but the scars still remain. I now reside with my daughter , firefighter fiance, dog & cat in my home. Melanie

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