It's Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)

Sexual Assault Awareness Month is here!

NO MORE Week 2019 is in the rearview, but the NO MORE team is keeping up the momentum during April. This Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), we are joining the National Sexual Violence Resource Center in highlighting the importance of consent. This year’s theme, I Ask, champions the message that asking for consent is healthy, normal, and necessary.

We know that 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have experienced sexual violence in their lives. The rise of the #MeToo Movement has brought forth millions of powerful stories, illustrating the widespread impact of sexual assault, harassment and abuse. 

With the cultural conversation around sexual assault at such a high volume, it’s time to discuss prevention. We can reduce instances of sexual violence by normalizing consent, educating ourselves and our loved ones, and supporting survivors. We can all be part of the solution! 


Need some ideas to get started? We’re here to help!

  • We all have questions when it comes to sexual assault and consent. Get your questions answered—check out the comprehensive consent guide we created with Healthline.
  • Safety and respect should be a normal part of going out for a night, but sometimes that’s not the case. NO MORE and Uber are teaming up to spotlight the important role we all play in looking out for each other and preventing sexual assault. Check out the #DontStandBy campaign today.

  • Messages about consent can’t come too early or often—we can make a difference by talking with children about healthy communication, sexuality, and relationships. Check out the materials from our sister campaign NO MÁS and get the conversation started. 
  • Sexual assault harms everyone. One in six men will be affected by sexual violence. Recognizing and supporting all survivors is key to eliminating sexual assault. Watch the PSA we made with our partner 1in6 about male survivors.
  • Celebrate SAAM on your campus, at your workplace, or in your community. Plan a SAAM event and add it to our events page. Check out a powerful campus campaign created at Siena College by their marketing team and Title IX office for SAAM 2018.
  • Check out the NSVRC SAAM website for downloadable tools, suggestions and information to activate your communities and networks.
  • Visit the NO MORE SAAM page to download your NO MORE SAAM sign. Take a photo and tag us using the hashtags #SAAM & #IAsk.

We hope you will join us this SAAM and beyond in the effort to stop and prevent sexual assault!


If you or a loved one have experienced sexual violence and are seeking support, please call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673.

Join The Movement

Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence