The NFL's Troy Vincent on Football's New Mission

The NFL's Troy Vincent on Football's New Mission

Troy Vincent is one of the many strong and committed leaders speaking out against domestic violence and sexual assault, joining more than 20 top current and former NFL players speaking out in NO MORE Public Service Announcement Ads (PSAs) that officially premiered on October 23rd, 2014.

He joined New York Giants quarterback Eli Manning, Dallas Cowboys tight end Jason Witten, San Diego Chargers tight end Antonio Gates, Hall of Famer Cris Carter, and others in says ‘No More’ excuses for the silence and inaction that surrounds domestic violence and sexual assault.NOMORE_PSA_NFL_Troy_Vincent

Joyful Heart Foundation’s president Mariska Hargitay and actors Blair Underwood and Tate Donovan directed the broadcast PSAs, while the print ads were photographed by Timothy White.  All of the NO MORE creative was developed pro bono by Young & Rubicam.

But Vincent has been working to create change for a long time. The former player and current NFL Executive Vice President of Football Operations has a personal connection to these issues — his mom is a domestic violence survivor. That’s why he helped to coordinate the effort and appears in the PSAs. Vincent talked to NO MORE about football players’ opportunity to combat domestic violence and sexual assault, now more than ever.

NO MORE: What message do you hope these PSAs send to football fans and to the general public?

TROY VINCENT: That domestic violence and sexual assault are not just an NFL issue. These are issues that are faced by all of us. It will take the collective nature and shared responsibility of us as humanity, as God’s children, to solve this together. Whether we are football fans or not, we share in treating one another with respect and dignity.

It is time for all men to stand up and be held accountable.

NM: What’s the ultimate long-term goal of the PSAs both within the football community itself and in the culture more broadly?

TV: We want to raise the national dialogue on this issue. It is something in which we all can share. We need to send the message that we are not bystanders. It was Edmund Burke who said in the 1700’s that “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” It is time for all men to stand and be held accountable on this issue.

NM: From your own perspective, how has the world changed for boys and young men over the years when it comes to talking about issues like sexual assault and violence? Are these things easier to discuss or harder?

TV: It’s interesting to me that, in a society so highly charged with the culture of sexual enlightenment, we have such a difficult time discussing the things that are right and wrong. It is wrong to do harm to another. There is no other society, no other time in history, that this message needs to be so clearly communicated. Fathers need to make a point to show and tell their sons what’s right and to tell their daughters how they should be treated. We have no excuse, and we should all be open enough with our friends and family to have that discussion.

The responsibility we have as parents is to ensure that our children know the difference between on-the-field passion and off-the-field compassion.

NM: As a father and as a football player, what advice would you give to parents trying to educate their children about these issues?

TV: I love my wife and my daughters. I have the utmost respect and reverence for them and their well-being. Football is a love of my life, but it is also a game. To succeed in football, we have to be aggressive. But that aggression must stay on the field. The family is a place of love, peace, security, and compassion. The responsibility we have as parents is to ensure that our children know the difference between on-the-field passion and off-the-field compassion. There must be balance, and if it is weighted, it must be weighted on the side of kindness. There is never a reason to harm a loved one or one who trusts you. Time to say No More.

NM: How were the football players selected for the PSAs?

TV: These are men who are passionate and demonstrative about their beliefs. As players, they were or are passionate on the field, and they are passionate about being the right kind of men. They know the score; they know the right thing to do; and they are not afraid to tell others how it is. They are confident in their manhood and know that women should be respected and revered, and they are not afraid to take a stand for what they believe.

You can get involved, too! Download a poster PDF to share at NFL games or take a photo with your #NOMORE poster and share it on social media during games, using the hashtag #NOMORE.

Watch the PSA below or click here learn more about the ‘NFL Players Say NO MORE’ PSAs:


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