NO MORE Week: Oh How You’ve Grown!

The first NO MORE Week was in March of 2014. The idea grew out of our self-proclaimed “NO MORE Day” which marked the launch of NO MORE the year before.

NO MORE Day had gone well, so we figured why limit ourselves to 24 hours when our goal was to unite as many people as possible under the NO MORE umbrella? A week gave us so much more time to work with— especially as NO MORE caught on and campaigns and chapters sprung up first around the country—and then the world.

Timing the event to coincide with International Women’s Day (IWD) was next, giving us so many more opportunities to engage supporters and add new voices to ours. From releasing research and running fundraising challenges in support of domestic and sexual violence organizations across the US to hosting music events during South by Southwest and launching new PSA campaigns, the seven days of NO MORE Week give the whole NO MORE community a chance to unite in a visible and powerful way.

Over the years, millions of people around the world have taken part in NO MORE Week. We’ve had billboards in Times Square and spots running on networks like NBC and Discovery seen by millions more. We’ve had thousands of companies, allied organizations, college campus groups holding their own events and activities. And it’s not just been about awareness, though still critically important. NO MORE Week has fueled positive actions. New NO MORE chapters have been born to make change on a local level. New and improved policies at companies to address domestic and sexual violence have been launched. New global movements such as our partnership with the Commonwealth of Nations reaching 54 countries have been created and expanded.

As we start the ninth year of NO MORE Week, I am certain it will be another impactful event. This year I am most excited for three big efforts:

  • The NO MORE Week Virtual 5K Run/Walk: With thousands of registrants from around the world, this run/walk sponsored by State Farm and the NFL is an opportunity for many businesses, schools, community organizations, and everyday people to #JointheChorus to end domestic and sexual violence. Survivors, advocates, families, friends, colleagues, neighbors can link up and complete the race together — even if they have to be physically apart. It also gives people less comfortable with the issue, and there are still too many, a chance to get involved. Sign-ups are available any time during the week.
  • The KNOW MORE Global Dialogue Series: Throughout the week, NO MORE chapters and partners from around the world will host special events and conversations on the importance of ending domestic and sexual violence. From the UK to Washington State, these sessions will feature expert speakers addressing a range of topics related to preventing violence and supporting survivors. Review the full list of events to sign up.
  • “Talking Healthy Relationships: Conversation Guide for Parents and Caregivers” We are proud to be launching new parenting/caregiver conversation guides in partnership with Esperanza United that are focused on how to talk to kids about healthy relationships. The guides are available in English and Spanish and are particularly timely as parents are asking for these resources in order to have necessary, but sometimes difficult conversations with their kids to help prevent violent or unhealthy relationships before they begin. Stay tuned, these guides will be launched on March 9th.

No one human or nonprofit can change a culture that perpetuates domestic and sexual violence until it’s so common that only the most horrific and sensational stories even being to pierce our collective consciousness. But each new person that comes to the table, each new voice that speaks out, each new NO MORE campaign that launches to raise awareness of domestic and sexual violence gets us one step closer to reaching that time when we don’t need to say NO MORE because the violence has stopped.


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