NO MORE's September Newsletter

NO MORE's September Newsletter

Welcome fall! It’s a busy season for raising awareness and pushing for greater progress! As we’ve been gearing up for the upcoming Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) and the 16 Days of Activism, we’ve also had a lot going on during September. We re-launched the “Stand Up, Don’t Stand By” campaign in partnership with Uber; worked to increase visibility and action to help stop and prevent campus sexual violence; and focused on engaging more employers and their employees to be part of the solution. Check out the details below.

Don’t Stand By Campaign with Uber Re-Launches

Going to a bar, club or party should be fun AND safe. That’s why Uber and NO MORE have teamed up on the “Stand Up, Don’t Stand By” campaign to help stop sexual assault before it starts, encourage friends to look out for each other and engage the nightlife community and drivers to be part of the solution. As students are back on college campuses across the country, we’re offering some general tips on how friends can have each others’ backs when going out to a party or night on the town. Soon, we’ll be expanding the campaign to train the nightlife community. Join us in helping to keep friends, loved ones and customers safe from assault and abuse.



NO MORE Shines a Spotlight on Campus Sexual Violence

During September, we used our social media platforms and our monthly KNOW MORE Global Dialogue Series event to increase awareness and encourage greater action to end campus sexual violence. According to our ally RAINN, more than 50% of college sexual assaults occur in the first few months of school (August – November), known as the Red Zone. During the KNOW MORE Global Dialogue Series conversation, we heard important insights and perspectives from students Sulakshi Ramamoorthi, of American University Says NO MORE, and Nathan Tom, of UMass Says NO MORE; an administrator Sarah Staron, Project Manager at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus University of Colorado; and advocate Kyle Richard, Associate Director of Men’s Engagement, at It’s On Us. It’s critical that we all do more to stop and prevent violence that impacts so many young people. Watch the discussion and find out how you can get involved.


Next Month, our Global Dialogue Series will be held in partnership with Plan International on October 18th. This event will bring experts from Latin American organizations and will focus on preventing gender-based violence online. Register via the link below.


Engaging the Private Sector to Be Part of the Solution

When it comes to ending domestic and sexual abuse, we need everyone – government, nonprofits AND the private sector – to come together. Afterall, domestic violence costs the US economy $8.3 billion a year, and 1 in 7 women and 1 in 17 men have sought a new job assignment, changed jobs, or quit a job because of sexual harassment and assault.

That’s why last month we introduced a new guide to help employees who are eager to engage their organizations and colleagues in impactful efforts to stop and prevent domestic and sexual violence. And this month we also stressed the importance for their employers – large and small businesses – to speak out and take actions, both internally and by using their external platforms, products and social impact initiatives. NO MORE can help your company or organization have the best internal policies and protocols; platform safety and customer resources; employee engagement initiatives; philanthropy and cause marketing efforts, and social impact entertainment and content. Find out how we can support your commitment to safety and social purpose today.



Reminder: NO MORE Global Directory Provides 24/7 Support Worldwide

If you know of anyone who has experienced domestic or sexual violence and needs help, share the NO MORE Global Directory with links to support services in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.


By donating today, you join a community dedicated to ending domestic and sexual violence. Together, we can create a society where everyone feels safe and respected.


Join The Movement

Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence