"Stand Up, Don't Stand By” Campaign Expands Across the U.S.

Today, we’re sharing an exciting update on our “Stand up, Don’t Stand By” campaign to promote safety and help prevent sexual assault before it starts.

In February, we announced the launch of our new partnership with Uber in two nightlife hubs—Las Vegas and Los Angeles—which includes messages and educational tips for friends out for a night on the town, nightlife staff, and Uber drivers as well as outdoor billboards. At the same time, participating bars received a staff training, run by the local rape crisis centers, to help identify individuals in need or incidents that require intervention.

Today, we’re announcing a new nationwide effort with new cities including DC, Seattle, and Philadelphia.


We can all do a better job of watching out for each other in social settings. And help can be just a few steps away—a bartender, a waiter, a bouncer. Learn some ways you can help prevent sexual assault in the moment by watching the video we created with ATTN: and Uber. 

As part of the “Stand up, Don’t Stand By” campaign, NO MORE is asking members of our community to pledge their support to be an active bystander—who stands up for their friends and who doesn’t simply stand by: Check out the campaign and take the pledge today.

To learn more about the “Stand up, Don’t Stand By” campaign in partnership with Uber, read our blog post announcing the campaign from February 2019.

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Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence