Stand Up, Don’t Stand By—Continuing to Drive Change with Uber

We know the past several years have brought some incredible change in how society addresses sexual assault and domestic violence, but there’s always more we can do to keep pushing for a better, safer world for all of us. That’s why the NO MORE community is continuing to take action where it counts.

That includes engagement with the companies and services we use every single day—which is why we’re proud to partner with Uber, local law enforcement, service industry, and local rape crisis centers on a new campaign—“Stand up, Don’t Stand By”— to promote safety and help prevent sexual assault before it starts. 

Going out is supposed to be about friends and fun, but sometimes that’s not the case. That’s why we’re working across all sectors to launch a coordinated effort to stop sexual assault before it starts by encouraging friends and other bystanders to step in and intervene when they see something. The end goal is to ensure respect, safety, and fun are all a part of going out—from the club door to the car door to the front door. 

The new campaign, which will appear inside bars and around metropolitan areas, is initially focused on two nightlife hubs—Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California—and includes messages and educational tips for friends out on for a night on the town, nightlife staff, and Uber drivers as well as outdoor billboards rolling out in Las Vegas and Los Angeles next week. At the same time, participating bars have received a staff training, run by the local rape crisis centers, to help identify individuals in need or incidents that require intervention. Interested in participating? Request a training here


Given NO MORE’s dedication to getting the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, and abuse out of the shadows and encouraging everyone, from all walks of life, to be part of the solution, this ongoing partnership with Uber offers a huge opportunity to raise awareness, support prevention initiatives, and ensure that potentially lifesaving resources are prominently available.

The new “Stand up, Don’t Stand By” campaign follows the 2017 announcement of a multi-year commitment as part of Uber’s “Driving Change” campaign that includes both internal and external sexual assault and domestic violence awareness and prevention initiatives. This reflected a partnership with us and a number of organizations that are part of NO MORE’s coalition, including Raliance (the coalition of leading sexual assault organizations: California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, National Alliance to End Sexual Violence and National Sexual Violence Resource Center), the National Network to End Domestic Violence, Women of Color Network, Inc., Casa de Esperanza, A CALL TO MEN, and the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs.

NO MORE is committed to working with individuals, organizations and corporations that are truly interested in bringing about change. To make progress and to address a deeply embedded culture of violence, we want – and in fact need – to be in as many boardrooms, classrooms, and living rooms as possible, as well as on the networks and platforms where people live, work and play.

This has been our philosophy and guiding principle since we launched in 2013. We set out to create a powerful, visual way to express support for ending domestic violence and sexual assault. We sought to unite anti-violence organizations into a coalition. And we developed PSAs, as well as other marketing tools, to make our voices even louder and stronger.

In just a few years, NO MORE has successfully brought together the largest coalition of advocacy groups, service providers, governmental agencies, major corporations, universities, communities and individuals, all under a unifying symbol in support of a world free of violence. Nearly 1,000 organizations and 75,000 individuals have joined NO MORE. Hundreds of schools have NO MORE groups, and another almost 30 local city-wide, state-wide and international NO MORE programs have been born. Thanks to our partners, our PSAs have gotten more than 4.4 billion impressions.

But, of course, we have only scratched the surface. Even without the recent spotlight, we know that much more work needs to be done to change the fact that, on average:

  • 1 in 3 women experience sexual assault or domestic violence at some point in their lives;
  • 1 in 6 men experience sexual abuse before the age of 18; and
  • 65% of victims who come forward say no one helped them.

We’re thrilled to continue our important work with Uber. This is one more way we will come together to fight sexual violence, and to say: NO MORE.


Thanks to all the partners that made the #DontStandBy campaign possible—Uber, Oberland, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Los Angeles Police Department, The Las Vegas Rape Crisis Center, and Raliance.

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Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence