UK Says NO MORE's Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Campaign

Watch the New UK SAYS NO MORE Public Service Announcements


UK SAYS NO MORE “Attention”

Domestic violence and sexual assault are crimes that are often hidden. As a society, we continue to place blame on the victim and in doing so silence victims. 18 celebrities took part in the ‘Excuses’, and ‘Attention’ PSAs in order to bring attention to these issues and to challenge society’s attitude to domestic violence and sexual assault.

Directed by Rachel Howald, and produced by MONK/Born in London, the UK SAYS NO MORE ad campaign is the result of an unprecedented collaboration of celebrities, corporations, foundations and service providers who have donated their resources to bring these hidden issues into the public eye.

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Find out more about the UK SAYS NO MORE campaign, plus FAQs.

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Together We Can End Domestic and Sexual Violence