24 Hour NO MORE Twitterthon

Sun Mar 6 2016 - Mon Mar 7 2016, All Day

Due to NO events in the state of West Virginia, I will take it upon myself to do what I can- a 24 hour Twitterthon (coinciding, in part, with the NO MORE SVU Marathon on the USA Network) beginning at 1pm Eastern Time, Sunday March 6 2016-March 7 2016.

During this time, I will Tweet information, statistics, commentary on episodes, urging people to become involved, either in their own communities, donating, or via Social Media. I’ll try to set up some way to actually speak to people- I would use Periscope but my router is down and I have no access to wireless at the moment. Skype may work and if so- I will provide my username (bethchelle). My Twitter account is @GeekieBeth.

If no other person or organization can take a stand in West Virginia, where domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse are still seemingly taboo subjects (with little to no support because I have experienced this myself)— I will.


-Elizabeth (Beth) Turley

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