Break the Cycle’s Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Chat with

Mon Feb 5 2018, All Day

Break the Cycle is excited to invite you to our second annual Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month chat with! We will talking about our 2018 theme – Healthy Me, Healthy We: a journey of self-love, strength, and positivity. The chat will focus on loving ourselves first, setting boundaries, and what it means to keep a healthy relationship with yourself, both with and without a partner.

We would love to have your expertise and unique voice join us on February 5th at 11 am EST/8 am PST during the Twitter chat. This is an excellent opportunity to get healthy relationships trending online, provide resources to those reading along, and gain new supporters. Below we have included the questions we’ll be asking so you have time to prepare, as well as instructions on how to participate in the Twitter chat.

RSVP TO Rachel at with your Twitter handle so I know you are attending and can keep an eye out for your responses during the chat.

How to participate:

  1. Visit or search @sayftycom to see the questions. You may also follow along by searching #sayftychat on Twitter.
  2. Answer the questions using a quote tweet or reply. (see below to find out how to make sure your answer will be seen by chat moderators)
  3. Keep refreshing the #sayftychat search page or @sayftycom or @breakthecycledv profile page to see the latest questions and responses.
  4. Don’t forget to engage with other chat participants by replying to, retweeting, and favoriting their responses.

**Pro tip: let your followers know you’ll be participating in a Twitter chat for an hour and encourage them to join you. The more, the merrier! **


How to answer a question:

  1. Answer the questions by numbering your responses, including both hosts’ handles, and the chat hashtag #sayftychat.
    1. Example of an answer to Question 1: A1 Being a healthy me means that I take care of my body and mind with yoga, quality time with friends, and date night with my partner #sayftychat @sayftycom @breakthecycldv
  2. You can reply directly to the question by pressing the arrow button under the tweet. This is a good method for quick answers or to share pictures or videos.
  3. You can Quote Tweet by pressing the Retweet button and adding your response before to the original tweet. If you do this, it is unnecessary to tag whoever posted the original tweet.
  4. Write a new tweet in the format seen in bullet 1. Be sure to tag the host’s handles and include the hashtag #sayftychat or they may not see it.

** Remember, tweets can now be 280 characters long, but it is still better to keep responses on the shorter side **


Sayfty Chat Questions:

  1. Healthy Me includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. What does that ideally look like to you?
  2. Why are boundaries so important to being a “healthy me” and how does that help your relationship?
  3. How do you include “me time” into your relationship so there is a balance of healthy me with healthy we?
  4. What are some healthy ways you can let a partner know that you need “me” time?
  5. What’s one thing you can do today to promote a “healthy me?”


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