Chrissy’s Project BTS Bringing Together Survivors

Sat Oct 10 2015, 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

1st annual run for Chrissy’s Project BTS “Bringing Together Survivors”

Saturday October 10th, 2015 at 9 A.M. Registration starting at 8:30 AM

Hedges Boyer Park, Tiffin Ohio

On January 1st 2015 my life was forever changed. I was attacked by my ex-boyfriend and beat up in front of my 4 year old daughter. Never in a million years did I think that he would ever lay a hand on me, but he did. Not only did he attack me numerous times that morning, he did it while I was holding my daughter. My daughter so vulnerable, and yet so brave, stopped crying and went from being a scared little girl to putting her sweet little hands on my face telling me …It’s okay mommy we got this.  She stepped in to save me.

Knowing that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence during her lifetime never had much of an impact until it happened to me. Hearing that more than 3 million children witness domestic violence in their homes every year sounded bad, but felt like death when my four year old daughter stepped in to protect me.

No one wants to be a statistic, a victim. I am reaching out to you today as an advocate. Thanks to the help and support of friends, family and my community I transcended the violence. Since this has happened I have worked with our town Mayor and he has made a proclamation proclaiming October be Domestic Violence Awareness Month and have done a Domestic Violence Photo shoot, created a video to spread awareness and founded Chrissy’s BTS Project “Bringing Together Survivors.” As my story spread and the stories of others made their way to me, I recognized that I could do more, but I need your help!

5 ways you can help:

1.DONATE – Go to We set a goal to raise $2,000 for local shelters and organizations supporting victims of domestic violence.

2.GIVE A GIFT – Many victims need basic items as they rebuild their lives. The back of this letter lists some of the items we’d love you to drop off the day of the 5k. All items will go to support local organizations.

3.RUN/WALK WITH US – Actions speak louder than words. Show your support for someone you know who has been touched by domestic violence by joining us at Hedges Boyer Park October 10th.

4.SPEAK UP – Fear prevents many survivors from ever speaking up. The more we speak up against violence, the harder it becomes for abusers to hide behind the fear of their victims.

5.LEARN MORE – Visit my FaceBook Page for more of my story and how I’m building a better future for those with violence in their past.
Thank you for your support!

Remember your donation touches the lives of children too! Many flee violent situations with only the clothes on their back. If making a donation at the 5k Oct. 10th, the following items are always in need:

Antibacterial Cleaner*          furniture polish             Shampoo/Conditioner

Antibacterial wipes*              Hand Sanitizer*       shower gel   

baby wipes                                      Laundry detergent       Soft soap hand soap*

Batteries (AA,AAA,C,D,& 9v)     Light bulbs (60w)        spot remover

Carpet cleaner                                Paper napkins*       Toilet paper*

Deodorant                                       Paper Towels*         trash bags (13 gallon)

Diapers                                            Pens & Pencils              Window cleaner

Dryer sheets                                   Post-it notes                  House hold Cleaning Products

Feminine Hygiene Products

*Items needed the most

Remember this is all stuff that can be used to help men and women in violent situations to escape and restart.

#NoMore excuses, NoMore silence, NoMore violence

For more information please contact me at:


Hedges Boyer Park
180 Summit Street
Tiffin, OH 44883

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