Community of Voices

Sun Mar 6 2016, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Heartfelt Voices United is holding its second annual Event — “Community of Voices” — to bring awareness to violence against women, and to stand up and say NO MORE to the Violence.  The Event will include:

Showing of Various NO MORE PSA’s.

Speakers from “Womens Lives Matter” & the Purple Rose Project.

Stage Play, “Locked Away,” written & directed by Suzanne Morse about 5 Women sent away to Prison because of past abuse who find hope in Prison.

Showing of the Community-made NO MORE Video.

Final Premiere Showing of Heartfelt Production’s short, silent Movie:  “The Clamoring Silence.”

Open Mic



Vision Pulse Creative Event Center
7310 Miramar Road
San Diego, California 92126

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