Everyday Neighbors Group Says NO MORE

Everyday Neighbors Group Says NO MORE

Sun Mar 8 2015, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

The Everyday Neighbors Group at Everyday Christian Church is focused on addressing some of the most pressing social injustices that are facing our communities. As we continue our focus on serving those living in severe poverty, on March 8th, as part of NO MORE Week, the Neighbors Group will be learning more about a major contributing factor to homelessness and poverty: domestic violence and sexual assault.

When a woman decides to leave an abusive relationship, she often has nowhere to go. This is particularly true of women with few resources. Lack of affordable housing and long waiting lists for assisted housing mean that many women and their children are forced to choose between abuse at home and life on the streets. Approximately 63% of homeless women have experienced domestic violence in their adult lives (National Network to End Domestic Violence). Moreover, shelters are frequently filled to capacity and must turn away battered women and their children.

On March 8th, members of the Everyday Neighbors Group will have a chance to say NO MORE with personalized, NO MORE _____ signs. They will hear a brief teaching about the often subtle warning signs of domestic violence and sexual assault and learn about local resources that are available to help. Survivors will also have an opportunity to share their experiences with these issues. Kids will get to decorate their own NO MORE signs, and share their answers to the question, “How would you describe a healthy relationship?”

As usual, we’ll share a big meal together, and spend some time getting to know one another. All are welcome! Visit www.everydaycc.com or contact the group organizer, kate@everydaycc.com to learn more.


Everyday Christian Church
5030 Broadway
New York, New York 10034

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