“The Gift of a Friend” NO MORE Week Sale

"The Gift of a Friend" NO MORE Week Sale

Sun Mar 8 2015 - Sat Mar 14 2015, All Day

“The Gift of a Friend” is a novel written by Holley Noelle Robison. It is available on Amazon. The Gift of a Friend tells the story of Harper Elias. Who, at 13, become famous pop star, Scarlett Valentine. But Harper’s world suddenly comes crashing all around her as her uncle starts to sexually abuse her and she turns to drugs and alcohol to cope. After a drug overdose, that lands her in the hospital, Harper finally reveals the abuse, and her parents move her away from Hollywood. After graduating High School, Harper returns to Hollywood and is reunited with an old friend, Lucas Henrie, who is still on the throes of his addiction, and the horrors of his past. Can Harper get through to him? Or will he let the silence kill him?

I started writing this book on my own, when I was sixteen years old, and during the seven years it took me to write it, I was able to break the silence of my own sexual abuse I suffered as a kid.

My goal is to get people talking. (Like the NO MORE campaign) and I want people to know “An abuser is only as strong as their victim’s silence”

I will be donating ten percent of the profits to the organizations behind NO MORE, to continue on in the fight.

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