#IWishYouKnew Campaign

#IWishYouKnew Campaign

Wed Oct 18 2017, All Day

As part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, on October 18th Home Free is hosting an online campaign called “I Wish You Knew.” Our goal is to feature statements from survivors, advocates, and concerned community members about what they wish people knew about their own experience of battering or domestic violence in general. The campaign will have two calls to action: raise awareness in your community about domestic violence and donate to support battered women and their children.

Participation in this campaign would be very simple. On October 18th, we are asking participants to post on Twitter and Facebook with #IWishYouKnew. Posts can focus on what you wish specific groups or the general public knew about domestic violence, or on sharing experiences with domestic violence. Below are some sample posts you are welcome to use – although of course feel free to use your own words as well!


  • #IWishYouKnew how much it hurt to have you not believe me. @HomeFreeMN
  • #IWishYouKnew how hard it is to leave an abusive relationship. @HomeFreeMN
  • #IWishYouKnew that you have options, and we won’t judge your choices. @HomeFreeMN
  • #IWishYouKnew that we see you and we believe you. @HomeFreeMN


  • #IWishYouKnew that domestic violence is NOT a private matter. It’s up to all of us in our community to support survivors, hold perpetrators accountable, and prevent violence.
  • #IWishYouKnew that a battered woman can’t “just leave.” Leaving an abusive relationship is often the most dangerous time for women. Plus, financial hardship and lack of alternative housing options often force battered women to choose between staying with an abuser and making herself (and her children) homeless.
  • #IWishYouKnew that even though you never saw any bruises, I was suffering. The emotional scars hurt just as much, and are harder to see.

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