

I say NO MORE because no one should ever have to live through the fear of being sexually assaulted. I say NO MORE to “well you asked for it” or “it’s your fault too” I am here to stand up for the victims who don’t have a voice, who are afraid to share what happened to them. It will be something I will never forget, and the memories that flash back. The utter fear and terror of coming forward because your afraid someone’s going to hurt you or no even believe you. I’m a victim but I’m not going to let that change my life. I SAY NO MORE to people getting away with sexually abusing, raping, or sexually assault or anything in that matter. I’m thankful for the counselor that has helped me get through this terrible time, but also thankful for Mariska Hargitay & the joyful heart foundation for believing survivors & helping us get through these hard unforgettable moments. Thank you to Mariska for saving my life and the many other girls who have come out with being raped & sexually assaulted from her being on our side and having our back. Thank you !!! Angela

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