

I was molested as a child for several years by a neighbor boy and one of my cousins. That neighbor boy beat me on a regular basis, no one helped me. I tried to tell my mom when I was 9 and she told me to wait until commercial, I shouldn't have been surprised since she didn't know I existed unless it was to yell at me, she was verbally, mentally and emotionally abusive and neglectful but I felt betrayed and alone. The impact from the years of constant trauma still resonates through my life even now. So I am taking charge. I am standing up not just for the little girl I didn't get to be because I had my childhood stolen from me, but for all those out there who suffer every day. I say NO MORE because it's time to stop making excuses or not wanting to get hands dirty. It's time to make the world safe again and prosecute those would steal that safety because no one should have that taken from them and no child should ever have their innocence and childhood stolen from them. It's time to say NO MORE. Caprina

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