

No more "if it was that bad, she should have just left", no more "I would have never allowed that to happen to me", and no more "I wish a man would try that with me". As the survivor of domestic violence, I've heard all of these things more than once. The only way I know to explain things is to say that my perpetrator tried to end my life on multiple occasions. This fear for my life made me stay. I left him when I decided I no longer wanted to live like this and if that meant he was going to kill me, it was better than what I was experiencing. Let me say that again... I stayed because I didn't want to die and I left because I didn't care about dying anymore. I DIDN'T CARE IF I DIED, IF THAT MEANT I DIDN'T HAVE TO EXPERIENCE THE ABUSE ANYMORE. I wish that feeling on no other person. Casey

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