

I dated my abuser in 2022 after I left the hospital from trying to kill myself. His Instagram name being nx2reign, he was 42 and I was 19 and he more than once stated he was attracted the most to people ages 19 to the mid 20s and said age mattered, he was a pedo.He wanted me to stay my weight so he stopped me from eating what he didnt want me to eat, he stole receipts out of my wallet even AFTER we dated, he physically grabbed and shoved me if he didnt like me being somewhere. He pressured me to kiss and hug him in public even AFTER we dated and were family friends as it was called.After I said part of the truth online in an Instagram post, he threatened me with jail and went to my house, grabbed my phone out of my hands (battery) and deleted the post I made. I had been sent to the mental hospital 3 times because of him. He used me because he knew I was weak. My family and friends are stronger. Charles

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