

I'm 18 years old, I was raped for 6 years by 2 close family members. It started when I was 5 years old and ended when I was 11. It happened 1 more time when I was 13. The last time it happened I ended up getting pregnant and having a miscarriage. I tried to blocked out my entire childhood. I didn't want anyone to know. I was too scared to speak out. When I finally told my boyfriend of 2 years he respected that. He was the first person I ever told. When I finally told my parents about 8 months ago they didn't believe me. My mother went as far as telling me to take a lie detector test. My mother still don't believe me. My father is still scared to find out the truth. He doesn't want to believe it. Even though my parents don't believe me it was huge a relief off of my shoulders. Desiree

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