

I was in a 5 year relationship the first half was good but then it got bad the last two years became extremely verbally abusive and eventually it did turn into physical towards the end. I am only 21 years old and it was my first relationship. There was so much emtional, verbal abuse going on no one but myself knew about it. I was scared. I started to lose myself and not knowing I was until it got to late were I did completely lose myself. I felt completely worthless and unattractive. I was constantly yelled at for the littlest things. I found myself walking on eggshells trying not to uspset my ex. I always got told I wasn't enough, few times were he's told me I was ugly and fat, made me feel bad about myself. He did hurt me physically few times, I was scared and didn't know what to do. It's been 4 months since the relationship has ended Iv'e been facing this grieving on my own because I was scared to reach out to anyone. I am still struggling very much at times it destroyed me as a person I am not the same as I use to be before this. This is the first time am speaking out about my abuse. I know that I will be okay again eventually. I am strong, and I am worth it! Deztiny

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