

I was sexually abused more than once. On several different occussions. I never told anyone about the first two because no one would believe me, they were family members. The abuse finally stopped after some years. Then in July of 2009 I was drinking went to watch a movie with who I thought was a friend and he raped me. I might have been drunk but I said no more than once. The only two people that I told the truth to are my best friend because she knows that pain the I had experencied. And my now fiancee' and he stands by me 100% I am so glad that I have found him. I did not go to the police because I was drunk and it would have been his word against mine so it did not pay. So I keep all this pain bottled inside of me and some time I just want to blow up but I don't. Because I have one hell of a support system behind me. Erica

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