

Every single kind of abuse a person can go through, I endured it. From the molestation starting at 6, the physical abuse, the rape at 14, more physical and mental abuse. Forced to do terrible things. By the age of 16, I had attempted to kill myself 4 times. By the age of 21, 10 times. For a long time I just couldn't get over what had happened to me. Call it anger, call it what you want, but one day I decided that I wasn't going to hurt anymore. That I DESERVED to be happy and that yes, I was still a good person. Slowly but surely my life has turned completely around. I still have bad days every now and then, but then I look at my life and realize that I didn't just become a statistic. I am a SURVIVOR. I am now happily engaged, with a beautiful baby girl and enrolled in college full time. If I can do it, anybody can! Just put your mind to it and take your happiness back! Lindsey

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