

I say NO MORE because I am worth more and so are you! I was born into a toxic family that goes back generations. Sexual abuse, emotional abuse and gaslighting were my family's way of "showing love". I was raped and molested by more than 7 men before I turned 10 years old. I spoke out for 6 years before someone finally took me seriously. Then, my main abuser - my step-dad was allowed back into the home just 4 years later after only serving 90 days in the county jail. I have CPTSD, GAD and borderline personality disorder - all as a result of being abused from 8 months old until nearly 10 years old when I got my abuser arrested. My entire family was angry with me, tried to blame me and even made me write letters to the judge stating the abuse "was not that bad" and my step-dad was a "good guy who made mistakes". I never want anyone else to feel as small or helpless as I did. I speak out in order to embolden & encourage others to speak up and say NO MORE! Mandy

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