

I was sexually abused as a child by an uncle and then later in life by men whom I had trusted with my life. My life spiraled out of control at the age of 15 I left home married a man 7 years older than me whom I did not love and attempted suicide. I spent 8 1/2 years off and on( 1996-2008) in prison because I did not know how to handle the things in my past and I became addicted to spending money. I would shop to make the bad feeling go away, only to have it reappear even worse once I was home. I ran out of money and ended up spending other peoples money without their permission. I just bought anything and everything for everyone. It was crazy! I finally grew up the last 5 1/2 years I was in there and learned what my problem was and how to deal with them. I have been home since Dec 2008 and I am finally able to live without the nightmares and pain. I hope that others read this story and find a way to reach out to get help before they waste their lives in lock up. I hope you find the peace and happiness you deserve. Yes, you do deserve both.. Melvonia

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