

I SAY NO MORE BEACUSE I WAS 8 YEARS OLD! I was 8 years old sleeping over one of my best guy friends house. My mom and dad were away and they were babysitting me for the weekend. It was the middle of the afternoon and I was in the guestroom when my best friend came in and pushed me down on to the floor and started kissing me. I begged him to stop. He said we could be like Cory and Topanga because that makes it OK to copy teens on a TV show! I told him no again and he took my overalls off me. He went for my underwear and I screamed and pusheed him off. I ran downstairs crying to his mother and she did not believe me. My mom did we never saw that family again in the boy who did that to me is now in prison for doing the same thing as an adult. Nicole

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