

I am tired of feeling scared of the person that claims to love me. At my adult age, I shouldn't have to flinch when my partner raises his hands when having a disagreement. I am tired of feeling scared. I am tired of feeling like I should just be dead. The fear in my body when he would get mad for no reason. Put a gun in my head, threatening to kill me, because I was "disrespectful" then trying to manipulate me 1 minute later. Saying "it wasn't the gun" "It was his fingers". When I felt and saw the gun the whole time. Not to mention the times he would squeeze my throat or cover my mouth and nose. He would squeeze my throat so tight my voice shrunk. He knew I was terribly afraid of that. I pleaded for my life way too many times while being with this man. I don't need to be afraid. I am not the punching bag anymore!! PAM

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