

I say no more because I was in a domestic violence relationship with the father of my daughter in 2018 in for a year and a half I was beaten drugged sexually assaulted by him he picked me out to buy drugs and he emotionally broke me down due to that situation I lost my daughter and my son to Cps in Ohio because I was afraid to leave him he pushed me down a flight of stairs trying to kill our daughter and I felt like it was my fault everything he did to me I was not allowed to contact my family or my friends I was made to sit there and stare at the wall or perform sexual acts with random strangers I was constantly dehydrated constantly in the hospital with him right there by my side he would not take me to a doctor he controlled everything in my life my family had no idea where I was there was a missing persons and amber alerts out for me and one night Brownstown police showed up at the house we were staying at he said if you tell them I’m here I will kill you if you leave me I Rianna

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