

I was 54 when I was assaulted. I never thought it would happen to me. I was older....wiser and I was a fighter I thought rape was when you got off the bus at midnight and grabbed by some guy who has long hair, missing teeth , and throws you in the bushes, beats you and assaults you. My assault left me with no bruises. My assault was with a man I really liked. My assault happened in my own home. It took me months to process what happened. 18 months later I went to the police and he was arrested. I was afraid of them charging him as it could mean a trial so I said no. I went for counselling. Became strong again and went back to police to have him charged. All this for nothing. It went through 2 prejudicial trials and charges were dropped. I often think my death would speak louder than my voice in my quest for justice. I Tia

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