

I say NO MORE because I was sexually molested for four years by my own father who was an alcoholic. This all happened before the registry of sex offenders came into play, and he got nothing for it. I feel he is still the same person as before, but he goes to church, he worked at a school as custodian, My recent husband and I seen signs of him being a sexual predator still to this day. The only thing that happened to him was divorce from my mother, lost his job, and had to do a 30 day treatment program. The church goer look is a cover up, I believe. I was one of six children living in a domestic violence home. I was also a victim of molestation by my cousin but dont remember it because my parents didnt press charges and I was too young to remember the abuse. My neice was and daughter were molested by ex husband. The incident with my neice was dropped because the police said it was unfounded. He was drunk and gave alcohol to minors the night it happened. He volunteered a lie detector test and passed it three times. My thought on that is, he was drunk and he's not gonna remember doing it, so in his subconcious mind, it didnt happen. Great way to avoid charges, huh? My daughter will not repirt him because she dont want to lose her relationship to her half brother as it is his dad. He dont want to believe his dad could do such a thing. She has came out about it, but will not report it. Because nothing happened to him when my neice reported it. Ive tried convincing her to report it. She is an adult now and I dont think there is anything I can do to press chatges on him for it. It happened to her before she was 18, but i didnt get it out of her until she was over 18. I feel responsible for her abuse as I made her go visit with him when him and I were seperated before our divorce. He is not her father, but he has been her father figure since she was 2 years old. If there is anything I can do, I would love to know what it is. This abuse has to be stopped. This abuse has put dividers between my sisters and I. Fortunately, those divider have been torn down, but thete is still so much distance between my sisters and I. So with all of this said, I decided to go to school for my Associates Degree in Human Services to learn about how I can Say NO MORE. Unfortunately, I had to drop out because of my seperation and divorce. I didnt get to finish my degree and it dont transfer. But I learned enough to know in this area of crimes, there isnt enough justice for the victims. This area has been an area of passion for me for the victims. I survived it, I beat it, it made me a stronger person to be able to use my story to help others to know they are not alone. It weighs heavily on my heart and mind to be there and help others through their abuse. I have a dream to have a group home for abused teenage girls. And since I did not finish my degree, Im not sure where to start to even get the information I need to build my dream. These victims out thete need to know they can come to me to talk, to learn, and to say NO MORE! Tonica

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