Press Releases


McCutchen, Ruiz, Hurdle, Sandberg, Asche, Walker, Billingsley, Alvarez featured

HARRISBURG, Pa., June 17, 2015The Pittsburgh Pirates and Philadelphia Phillies, intrastate rivals on the field, are working together off the field to end domestic violence and sexual assault in Pennsylvania.

The two National League teams have each recorded commercials for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence’s statewide NO MORE campaign, which PCADV operates in partnership with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. They are available to the public at

The public service announcements are similar in style and content to the national NO MORE commercials that aired during National Football League games last season. Players and coaches deliver powerful, proactive messages, such as “NO MORE disrespecting women and girls; NO MORE using violence as a solution; NO MORE stalking and intimidation; NO MORE excuses.”

Pirates participants are: centerfielder Andrew McCutchen; infielders Josh Harrison, Neil Walker, Sean Rodriguez and Pedro Alvarez; pitchers Jared Hughes and Tony Watson; pitching coach Ray Searage; and manager Clint Hurdle.

Phillies participants are: outfielder Cody Asche; catcher Carlos Ruiz; pitchers Chad Billingsley and Jerome Williams; and manager Ryne Sandberg.

“We are pleased that the Pirates and Phillies are standing with us as we work to end domestic violence and sexual assault,” said PCADV Executive Director Peg J. Dierkers. “Their ownership, management, coaches and players are lending their voices to the growing chorus of men in

Pennsylvania who are saying, ‘Being a man does not mean physically or emotionally abusing women; it means standing up and saying NO MORE when you witness domestic violence and sexual assault in your community.’ ”

The oldest statewide domestic violence coalition in the nation, PCADV and its statewide network of 60 centers provide housing, legal, counseling, prevention and other services to domestic violence victims in all 67 counties.

Domestic violence and sexual assault remain at high levels in the commonwealth. Last year, more than 85,000 domestic violence survivors sought assistance in the commonwealth, and 141 Pennsylvanians died in domestic violence-related homicides.

“The Pittsburgh Pirates are proud to support the PCADV’s ‘NO MORE’ campaign,” said Frank Coonelly, Pittsburgh Pirates’ president. “We hope that our organization’s strong stand against domestic violence and in support of healthy, respectful relationships can play a role in ending violence against women.”

“The Phillies are proud to join with PCADV to create greater awareness for this very serious subject,” said Phillies Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Michael Stiles. “It is our hope that the Phillies’ involvement will help to educate men of all ages about healthy relationships and, as a result, fewer women will have to live in fear of domestic violence or sexual assault.”

The two teams plan to air the NO MORE PSAs all summer during their TV and radio broadcasts and to show them on their stadium scoreboards during home games. PCADV will promote the PSAs on social media and will place them in secondary radio and TV markets.

Besides filming PSAs, both teams also hosted domestic violence awareness nights at their respective ballparks, at which PCADV and its programs invited fans to sign a NO MORE pledge banner and to receive information on available domestic violence services. The two teams also published full-page ads in their game day programs on PCADV’s “conversation starters,” suggested ways for parents to begin discussions with their children about healthy interpersonal relationships. A conversation starter toolkit is available to the public at

The NO MORE petition can be signed online at

“We’re trying to change the conversation about what it means to be a man – being strong but without devaluing or objectifying women,” Dierkers said. “We want to raise awareness about being a different type of man.”


Founded in 1976, the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence is the oldest statewide domestic violence coalition in the nation. Each year it provides free and confidential services to nearly 100,000 victims of domestic violence, through a network of 60 community-based programs serving all 67 counties in the commonwealth. PCADV also promotes public awareness of domestic violence-related issues through its PA SAYS NO MORE campaign, which it operates in partnership with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape. For more information, visit or, or follow PCADV on Facebook and on Twitter, @pcadvorg.


Steve Halvonik             Beth Almes

(717) 545-6400 ext.     (412) 471-2463 120

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